State v. T.J


Texas v. T.J.

184th Harris County


Manslaughter Her attorney plead her guilty to Manslaughter and I was called in strictly for the punishment/PSI hearing. Client was a young woman on her way home from work. While at the Voss light on Westheimer, a motorcyclist riding in between the cars and crashes into client’s car and another car. The motorcyclist takes off. The two hit cars go to the parking lot to call the police.  Just then they see the motorcyclist come from the hiding place with no license plate on and speed down Voss. My client and her girl friend pursue the motorcycle. They are on the phone with 911 the entire time. The motorcyclist gets trapped trying to run behind the Kroger. You can hear my client telling her to stop, the cops are on her way. The motorcyclist instead tries to play chicken with the car and drive through the small gap between the wall and the car. The car ends up hitting the motorcyclist and severing the riders femoral artery. You can hear on the 911 call my client telling the rider to stay awake and with me and why did you have to run. The rider dies in my client’s arms. My client had no criminal history. The State was asking for 14 years in prison. Yeah, 14!  We asked for deferred adjudication probation. The Judge gave our client 10 years probation. She is very thankful for the compassion shown by the Judge.